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Drum sea lighthouse

Pagla Kanai, Jhenaidah (5 km distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters)


Located in the city of Jhenaidah. This van rickshaw, in addition to eziebike, can be used to go to the sea level (4 km from the city: west)




Jhenaidah was a prominent landlord named Raja Mukut Rai. Many soldiers of King Mukta Ray were feudal. It is said that he did not go out with 16 Holocaust Elephants, 20 Holocas horses and 2,200 Koddars. Like Khanan Jahan Ali (R), he was also careful in establishing a water body. He went ahead in the construction of roads and excavation of water. In Jhenaidah, one of his immortal kirti traditions is the drum sea dighi of the pagla kanai union. Located on about 52 bighas of land, the largest lighthouse of the Dighi Jhenaidah Lighthouse served as an infinite receptacle of drinking water during centuries and survived as a memory of the royal establishment of a mighty king.

Before the city of Jhenaidah, Bijoypur was the capital of King Mukut Ray. The king had a huge cattle store at home. Because of the many cows, people called him Nand Maharajabbalat. There was a royal garden in Berbari. The name of the place where the king's chieftain's soldiers lived was Korpapara. All these places are still present. There is nothing left in the royal palace of King Mukt Roy. However, archaeologists believe that there can be no historical monuments hidden in brick pits to the south of the drum sea lagoon. The drum sea lighthouse is an attractive entertainment place in Jhenaidah. There is a phenomenon behind the drilling of sea lakes, once water occurs during the reign of King Mukut Ray. Bill, Baor, River Dighi - There was no water anywhere. King Dighi decides to dig a very well. On the day of countless people, the stairs were deeper and deeper to the floor. But there was no water in the pond. The despondent king once dreamed that if the queen had come down to the pond and worshiped it, then the water in the pond would get water. Knowing this, the queen of the queen took a pooch to worship the pond. Presented below the Queen Pond, offering worship to the goddess Eeste Buddha. The water began to rise. Since the prayer was complete, the queen started to rise above. The water was raised in a loud storm. The festivities of thousands of people on the edge of the river, in joy and music, and the queen went undisturbed deep into the ocean. The mourning people of the deep shock went to Rajpuri to tell the bad news. To remember that memory, people still call this lake as a drum sea lighthouse.

King Mukut Ray was defeated by the combined forces of Nawab and Pathan in the battle of Bharibahan. Nawab soldiers captured King Mukut Roy and took him to the capital. Knowing the king's identity, Nawab released him. But the king's family members committed suicide due to the inevitable consequences of the king, death. The location of the suicide site of his daughter, daughter of suicide, Raj Jyotishi's suicide site has been called in the name of philosopher, which is still known as this name.