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Satgachia Mosque

Satgachia, Barobazar (34 km from Jhenaidah district headquarters)


This mosque can be visited by bus or CNG from Jhenaidah (34 km from Jhenaidah district headquarters)




The Satagachia-Adina Mosque is located in Satgachia Mauza, 4 km west of Barobazar. Adina means the word on Friday. In 1983, the local people excavated some parts of the large mound. From this part, there are six pillars and terracotta docks with five Mehrab's excellent mosques. In 1993, discovered the 35-dome mosque on 48 pillars, by digging the archaeological heritage and archaeological department. There is no dome above the mosque. The mosque area is very lonesome and woody.

This is the largest of the many mosques discovered from the ruins of Barobazar so far. Its entrance is east, north and south. There are 17 entrance paths in the mosque. There are seven Mehrab on the West wall. Hours, chains, flowers, rose flowers, trees, leaves, flower buds etc. are decorated in a very nice manner as Mehrab's décor. On the floor are divided into 3 platforms.

Along with the sixty-dome mosque of Bagerhat, there is a similarity to the construction plan inside this mosque. The beginning of the fifteenth century in the construction of the 60-dome mosque. The construction of the Adina Mosque is also considered as the reason behind the similarity in construction and planning. This mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Bangladesh.