Citizen Charter
Service name
The way to provide services
Service timing
Provision of remedies if failing to provide specific services.
Establishment of officers / employees
All the databases, including the notification / transfer of the officers / employees, have been preserved / ordered.
There is no deadline.
Prepare monthly salary bills, TA bills for officers / employees
Presented in the form of verification-selection in due course of time.
Between 20-24 months of salary bill and T, within 7 days of receiving the bill.
Action is taken with the concerned officer / staff and in the office of departmental auditors, if necessary.
Officer / Employee Holidays
To take alternative measures to perform work, subject to the requirements and availability of leave, take approval.
The casual leave is acquired within 1 or 2 days within 7 days of maternity leave application.
If the problem is solved, the applicant or the departmental accounting manager will need to be contacted by the office.
1. Training of officials
If any information is sought from the higher authority, then the concerned registrar can be reviewed and the information related to the demand is made.
In the prescribed time period, arrangements are made to send the bibliography within 3 days.
If there is any problem related to the collection / payment of information about a worker, then send the correct information through personal contact with the concerned officer.
2. Regarding the transfer of officers
The notification for the transfer of official / immediate release of the officers was taken according to the nature of the right to appoint an alternative officer.
In normal cases within 7 days and in the immediate time period.
If it is not possible to take the replacement of the transferred officials due to inevitable, then emergency communication with the relevant authority, correspondence with telephonic communication.
3. Distribution of officials
Appointment of the officer in charge of each branch and the appointment of the appointment officer in his absence.
If any officer is in charge of the office, then the appointment of new officers on that day or next working day will be taken.
Solution to the task of giving multiple employees a solution to the problem when the official created a work order.
4. Issues related to pensioners / family pension / joint venture and welfare fund
All the rules and regulations regarding the collection and application of the application form are sent to the appropriate authorities.
Within 5-7 days of receiving the application
Opportunity and suggestion is made to amend the incomplete application.
Regarding departmental activities against officials / employees.
If there is a complaint against the officer / employee, the action taken against the incriminating worker / employee is taken immediately.
In the 01 (one) week of receiving the complaint, the recruitment report was conducted within 15 days.
Within the next 01 (one) weeks, the report of the investigation is not confirmed if the report is not available within the time frame. Otherwise, the District Administrator is notified about the subsequent transition.
Budget preparation:
According to the Ministry, salaries of the employees / employees of salaried households are sent in advance.
On June 30th, all the money was merged. Also the information sought from the Ministry is sent in due time.
If there is a discrepancy in the budget, the Ministry will contact the concerned District Accounts Office to take proper information collection
Forms and Stationery
Government B, G, collect from the regional offices of the press and arrange for supply according to the demand.
The payment of payment for the payment of the payment is taken.
About the audit objection settlement
(A) Monthly and Weekly report
Monthly and seasonal report for settlement of scheduled audit objections.
Monthly report by 05th of next month.
Half-yearly report:
January-June 15 July to July-December next year January 15th.
If there is a discrepancy in the timing of preparing the integrated report, contact the concerned person and take appropriate steps to collect the correct information.
(B) Audit objection settlement broadsheet subject matter
If there is a broadsheet reply, the comments and comments related to the comments are included in the subject matter and the reasons and related answers.
Within 7 days of receiving the reply.
If there is a slight movement, then corrective measures are taken by the concerned officials.
(B) Recommendation related to work leave for training
If the trainer nomination is accepted, then leave the workplace to leave.
Based on the training start date and time and attendance at the training center.
In the event of an inevitable reason for training, the nominated worker should be given permission to leave the same time, if the permission is not granted, then with immediate permission, the request for exemption from the relevant courses will be discontinued.
(C) Work-time training:
Workers' training program for assistant commissioners of the education department prepared by the cabinet division
- Employees' salary bill, preparation of other bills.
- Vacation of officials.
- Regarding training, transfers, assignments and pension related to officers / employees.
- Regarding annual confidential submission.
- Regarding divisional action against government officials / employees.
- Budget Preparation.
- Forms and stationary.
- Audit objection settlement activities.
- Audit objections / report preparation.
- Regarding monthly staging meetings.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS